Strange lil me...

Kathryn • Mom of 3, wife to a fantastic husband, and praising God all along the way!

I’m currently at my peak ovulation time according to this calendar... wanted to find a ttc buddy that is willing to laugh, cry, and chat during the trials of trying to conceive!

Hi! My name is Kathryn I go by Katie, or KitKat. I have an amazing hubby and 3 toddlers (2 boys and a girl). My oldest is 3 bout to be 4 in feb. I’ve always wanted a big family and we both love our monkeys 🐒 with all our hearts! But we want at least one more to make even! Lol.

I have had one clean miscarriage in March 8-10 2016. My twins are waiting in heaven for me to meet them...😭😔☺️

I have hypothyroidism which I know can affect fertility, but it’s never affected it till now...

I know many women here are simply after that first time at motherhood, of which I applaud you on your journey! I’d love to get to hear the stories and the ups and downs of your journey.

We are ttc #4 as ive said, however, it’s been harder than the last times... I had an emergency c-section with my last baby my daughter; and it worries me that it may have affected my fertility because of the drugs they had to use on me... I needed the extra strong stuff...

I never had pain while AF came until now, I just had AF about 1-2 wks ago and I’m having side cramps... which I’ve never had before either... we’ve been trying for 6 mo ttc and it’s been a roller coaster of emotions and let downs...

My hubby is fully supportive and everything... but the roller coaster of emotions has been heartbreaking for me...