Feeling Depressed...


So, just like almost every woman on here I'm ttc and have been for almost a year... I thought I was doing good but, I had a friend just give birth to her second child like a couple weeks ago, my cousin will be having her second within a few days, another friend is ready to give birth any day now to her second baby, and I have another friend that is about to pop any day with her first.... I literally spent almost $100 for the second friends baby shower on gifts and I think it was partially me wanting to be able to buy baby stuff so bad that I spent a lot on her. which isn't a big deal but, I've just been so depressed lately and my fiance keeps saying "I can't wait until we get pregnant, I'm so ready to be a daddy and, you're going to be a great mommy!" it is slowly killing me inside to know that I have PCOS and got off the Depo shot a little over a year ago so, it's my fault we haven't gotten pregnant yet... I just wanna curl into a ball and cry... I love seeing that women on here are getting pregnant after trying for so long because it makes me feel like there's hope but, it also makes me sad because I want to be one of the lucky women that gets to say I'm pregnant. It also doesn't help that the few close friends that I have live a ways away and I don't talk to them much anymore (these aren't the pregnant ones) so ig other than having my hubby I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. my pregnant friends are so busy planning for their babies that I don't want to bring it up anymore. I also hate bringing it up because everyone give me that sad face like I'm a hurt puppy and that makes me feel worse. or they just tell me to stop trying and it'll happen or to relax... I'm tired of being told that... I'm just ready... Oh so very ready... any advice on what you ladies do to get through these feelings??