In Laws!!! πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’


So my husband and I had a Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> party at our home because this is our first Christmas in our new home as a married couple and we wanted to spend it with family. We really couldn't afford to give gifts this year but we did the best we could to get the "important people" something to show our love. We gave my husbands mother who is a drug/alcohol abuser 2 pocket books & we gave his aunt a toaster oven. After the party my husband told me that his mom told him that we should've given her the toaster oven because she's his mom (His mom never raised him. His aunt did) So a few nights later my mother in law called my husband and I while we were sleeping and left nasty voice messages on both of our phones. She was drunk of course & probably high on crack and this isn't the first time she's done this to my husband, but this is the first time she's left messages on my phone. She said things like "fuck you and your wife" "come get these dirty ads pocket books!" "y'all should be got me something better!" "your wife is a hoe." "You're not my son. I disown you, your wife and your unborn child." (I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant.) and like I said this isn't the first time she's called my husband at an ungodly hour being verbally abusive, but this is the first time she's ever mentioned me (that I know of) and of course our son who isn't even here yet. My husband is a very strong man and it takes alot to get to him, but when he heard her say things about our son and I it struck a nerve in him and he said that he will not allow our son to endure what he had to go through with her as a child and as an adult even if that means keeping him away from her completely. My mother in law doesn't realize it but her actions and excessive drug and alcohol use is whats going to keep her from being allowed to be around our child. I can take her talking about me because I am secure in myself but when it comes to my child I will go full HULK on anyone. We haven't talked to her since she called 2 days ago but my husband did say that she texted him apologizing and he never responded and I have no interest in speaking to her.... I just feel bad for our baby and pray that he never has to hear her talk about his parents in the manner that she spoke.....