He's made me feel so low

I have anxiety and depression, when I got medication for it and my boyfriend found out he didn't have anything to say about it really. I'm was never expecting pity from him at all but maybe some comfort. But instead of comfort he made me feel the opposite by watching porn when I had asked him not to, because he started only wanting sex with me maybe once a month but always had porn on his phone and constantly looked up videos of sexy girls on YouTube everyday. At the beginning of our relationship he use to all the time comment on other women and say "damn" or "she's hot" and he'd say it in his over exaggerated turned on voice and it made me so mad I finally told him to stop and he did but I still resent him a little for it. It also annoyed me how he was acting like a horny teenager but he's actually 35 years old. I'm very hard on myself because I have small boobs and butt, and don't have sexy legs at all and I don't feel pretty without makeup. My last boyfriend made me feel SO good about myself, never watched porn, always wanted sex with me, so this change was not healthy for my anxiety problem. After deciding to not take all this so personally I decided to try forget about it all and just be happy with him. He would always tell me to just get over it and he loves me. But he still makes comments sometimes that just absolutely tear me down. Like today we were taking off our clothes to lay in bed and I told him he was so sexy and he said "nobody wants to hear that." And laid down and closed his eyes. And I got really upset and he said he was just kidding but really it didn't sound like he was kidding. And other times when I try to say something flirty he won't be flirty back, sometimes he has even gotten mad at me for flirting with him. Like the other day we had smoked some weed and I laid down on the couch and I told him to come here. I always say "come here" when I want sex and he knows that's my code lol. Anyway he instantly got mad and said "no." I just try to brush those comments off because if he doesn't want it then he doesn't want it whatever. But it's like sex is only on his terms and when he wants it. He only says flirty things to me when he decides to, but when I try to initiate sex or flirty talk he wants nothing to do with it. I told him I feel like I'm not good enough for him and he just says "who told you that?" But he won't defend himself more than that. I just don't know how to feel good about myself again.