The damn flu


I'm like 95% positive my so has the flu.

I got the flu shot this year just because I work in daycare. My so didn't.. I feel like shit right now but I don't have a fever. I'm just super congested.

my so has a fever so bad he's shaking and sweating. His temp is 102.4, He's such a stubborn ass when he's sick I basically had to force him up onto the bed and stick a cold rag on him and give him cold and flu meds. He's like a giant ass baby.

I'm gonna have to call his dad in order to get him to see a doctor because he turns into a miserable rock when he's like this and won't do shit for me but will for his dad. SOOOOO. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I'm stressing out because I was at work all week with babies and small children.

I've had no symptoms until today, and my so didn't either. I didn't even know I had been exposed to it.

I feel massively guilty right now 😔 I hear the flu is out of control this year. I hope getting the flu shot actually did something. I haven't been sick with anything in so long.

Wash ya hands, get a flu shot and cross your fingers. Im gonna go cry and hope I didn't get those little sweet babies sick.