28 weeks & my cat hates kids!

Aisha • Licensed Nurse • Happily in Love • 3/22/18 🌺🤱

I'm 28 weeks pregnant with our first child and I would like no harm to come to my daughter. my fiancé rescued a cat on the street about 2 years ago, nurses him back to health and since then they become very close to each other (of course). I'm not sure if Neko (the cat) had a bad experience with children or if he just naturally hates small humans....but every single time children under the age of about 10 come over, he starts behaving very hostile and on too many occasions he has attacked them like 80% of the time. He's very chill any other time...but if he even hears a kid, he goes into attack position. The kids in our family are so terrified that they refuse to come over anymore. And since I gotten pregnant, he also likes to randomly attack me which makes me feel he can sense the baby and isn't too happy about it. Today my fiancé had enough of it because the cat again randomly stalked my 2 year old nephew and then attacked him, proceeding to attack me when I pull him off the kid and then attacked my fiancé.

I suggested we declaw him but my fiancé doesn't want to do that because in case the cat gets out than he has no way of defending himself against other animals (which wasn't a valid enough argument in my opinion but whatever). so it seems that my fiancé feels he has no choice but to get rid of the cat. my MIL thinks that the cat will magically love our daughter (Idk why) but I'm convinced that he's just not good with kids yet she doesn't agree with declawing or giving him away because those options are "INHUMANE" so it seems to me that she's saying "I value this cat nails claws more than your child's safety".

he said his sister will take him in but she has a cat of her own and Neko is not friendly with other cats from what I've witnessed. so if he doesnt play nice tmw , he will most likely end up at the pound or a shelter.

fiancé is a bit influenced by his mother on this topic and now I feel like some animal hater 😒. The only way I feel comfortable letting the cat stay is if he gets declawed because than I know that he can't harm her. also, hes thinks our new couch is his new scratch post so he isnt helping himself out here.

So any advice? I'm curious what the majority of people would do in this situation. Am I crazy or evil for wanting the cat declawed ?

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