Baby off the mind in 2018

My husband and I have been ttc #1 for almost 3 years now. We had failed medicated cycles with clomid and letrozole. We had failed <a href="">IUI</a> cycles. We have not gone through <a href="">IVF</a> yet because of the expense, and the risk of it not working. We both work full time, and are in school. My husband said he just wants to focus on finishing school this coming year, I feel the same. I think we need to think about our success right now. We are in our late 20’s, and that’s where I freak out because I always wanted to be done having children by 30 but it goes to prove that we are not the ones in control of every detail in life. I feel a sense of relief to take a break for awhile, and focus on us. Are we doing the right thing?