Worst Week of my life.


I woke up Christmas morning with a pretty bad cough. by the next morning I could definitely determine that it was bronchitis. Went to the doctor and they prescribed an inhaler, antibiotics, and codeine cough syrup. Used the inhaler and cough syrup as directed every 4 hours.

Well unfortunately, the inhaler completely wired me. And before I knew it, it had been 48 hours since I had slept. Like, at all. By 3am on night two with no sleep, I started to lose my mind. I woke my hubby up and begged him to help me because I felt a panic attack coming. we tried going for a walk, taking a steamy shower, he gave me a back rub, he even let me play a video game for distraction.

But every single time I would try to fall asleep, the sound of my chest rattling or wheezing would make me freak out and start all over with panic. (All the while coughing my lungs out)

So at 5 am, I was still pacing my apartment, crying, begging for a solution. We decided to go to the hospital.

And thank GOD. They prescribed AMBIEN. I had no clue I was allowed to have it. I knew that would do the trick.

However, my anxiety still had me freaking out about taking it. What if I stop breathing while I'm knocked out?! So I had one more freak out, my husband lit candles, blacked out the shades, rubbed my back, and I fell right to sleep.

I feel much less psychotic today lol still sick with bronchitis and trying to focus on eating and drinking and sleeping. And of course this little baby is just fine. Sticking it's butt out and making me giggle.

Here's to hoping I feel better soon!