the day i became a mommy 12/28/17

Rachel R • *babygirl otw & 2 amazing step babies*

well i had appointment set up for 12/29 for my usual weekly check up, but my leg had been killing me for almost a week, so i called 12/27 (37+4) to get seen early. I went at 1pm and since doctor had been out doing delivery, it took him till 3 to see me. i went in with no pain really, & no bloody show ... the doctor came in and noticed BLOODY SHOW! WHATTTTT?! He checked my cervix and i was 3cm dialated!!!!! he said your having her by tomorrow! go to labor n delivery! okay so i went , called husband, he brought his mom (shes awesome and i dont have my mom) we got to the back they made me comfortable and said they would probably wait until morning to break my water or anything .. the contractions weren't very strong, by morning (7am) i was 4cm.. bummer!!! so i waited on doctor and he broke my water around 8:30am, then i was like well oh hell give me that epidural!!! thank god i did! it got me thru alot.. then they started me on pictocin around 11am, omg !! it got my contractions closer and closer.. by 7cm, i could feel almost everything.. ughh it sucked!!! the anesthesiologist came and asked how i was, he gave me something else, and upped the original stuff. still felt it , not as bad but oh well ... well i got to 9.5cm and the doc gave permission to start pushing (dont these times as that was my last worry!) i pushed for awhile because she kept contracting back after each push... doc came in and it got REAL .. I wanted to give up so bad!! i kept asking for help, please help and screaming it hurts!!!! finally he helped with the vaccum! (poor baby hurt her head) i was grateful! finally 1.2.3 and she was out ! omg! they had to snip me 2× during & i tore! 2nd degree!! at 5:53pm on 12/28/17 she was here!!!!! woot!

she weighed

6lbs 11oz

19.5 inches

34cm head(thats what got me!!)

but my princess was totally worth is it all 💕

we went home right her 24 hour labs !!! 😊 she is THE perfect baby!