Epidural decision

Mama Bear

What are you ladies basing your decision to have an epidural or not on? What’s your birth plan?

I had an Epidural with my first baby after I tried to see how long I could stand it and I just couldn’t after they gave me Pitocin the contractions were way too intense. I had so much anxiety that I needed oxygen and my daughters heart rate dropped at every contraction so I needed some kind of relief so I could relax.

I was pretty close to having a C section based on her condition and the intensity of my contractions but I was able to get through it with the epidural. I didn’t really have the best birth experience though because between having oxygen I was vomiting then I had shivers after birth.

Was this due to the epidural? Not sure... I want to do things differently this time around but just not sure.

Do any of you have suggestions? I’d love to hear your thoughts.