decisions decisions...

I need some sound advice from mothers (or fathers) who have been in my situation before. Some backgound to the situation... after I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant, I shared my news with the babies daddy. His response was "this is unfortunate timing" we had beed dating for 4 momths prior and simething always felt off with him. I asked before we became intimate if he was married, had kids, or dating anyone else and he assured me that he was not. His response left me feeling empty and alone so I googled him and found out he is living with a woman who has children! I confronted him and he told me that she was his lanlord...which I do not believe. Well, fast forward to today and he has contacted me a few times, mostly for a booty call, to which I did not oblige him... and never asks about the baby. My due date is coming up in march and I am torn on whether to put him on the birth certificate or take him for child support. Any advice on this subject would be appreciated. What are his rights if he is not on the certificate? I am not giving the baby his last name, I know that.