Need to vent!

I'm just going to come out and say it.... I'm annoyed/hate my husband. Not enough to divorce him but enough to not want to be next to him.

I guess it all started when I became pregnant. He was supportive at times and other times he was an ass. It's like when I was emotional he wouldn't know how to deal with me and he would get mad. Then every time I said I was hungry he would act like I was telling him to go buy me food (which he would buy food for himself all the time) only when he would go out I would be able to get food or we fight. And for awhile he didn't want to have sex when I would make a move only when he did. (Wasn't often)

Now I have our son. It's been a month and 2 weeks. My husband now has needs and has been bugging for sex since our son was born. At first I thought it cute and sexy. Now it's annoying as shit! He's constantly putting himself on me, asking me to do a bj on him and touching me and just trying to take clothes off. I'm not ready. My body is not ready and he makes me feel like crap for it. I talked with him about it and he said he would stop but he hasn't. He even tried a lil while ago. I know he has needs but damm don't even consider my feelings. Idk maybe I'm over reacting but I'm sick of feeling like a bad wife. We celebrated his birthday and I know he wanted sex but his brother was visiting. And I make the excuse of no lube no sex. But he went and got lube. Now idk what to do. Advice please.