Painful sex

I’ve been having sex for awhile now. First time was whatever, but didn’t hurt at all. Fast forward to now, it hurts like hell. I love my boyfriend, but when we have sex it feels like my vagina is cotton and sucking up all my wetness. He takes his time with pleasuring me and before penetration I’m very wet. I want to have sex with him, but it’s uncomfortable and hurts like shoving a tampon into my dry hidyhole. He completely understands. He tells me that it’s okay and that I’m not broken, cuddles me up and holds me. I’m beyond frustrated and it gets to me. I used to enjoy sex, but now I’m just hoping that he’ll finish and we can do something else. I’m sad. I want to connect with him like this but it’s so difficult. I know it’s not the most important thing in a relationship and it’s not what either of us are here for, but I’d like to show him my crazy in bed passion for him. I just can’t, every move hurts. I sometimes just don’t tell him when I’m in pain, because I want him to feel good. I want it to be easier again. But unfortunately i think since the battery happened (a couple of months ago, filed a police and school assault report) it traumatized my lady bits and they clamp shut. Why am I still paying the price for what some dick did to me? How can I move past this? Am I stuck?? Any advice is welcome...