Should I be offended


Hi all. Looking for some solid advice. My boyfriend and I have been together just about 8 months, but it got serious rather quickly. We are looking for an apartment and activity talk about marriage and a family. Anyway I met his closest friend and fiancé in August and then attended their wedding as his plus one he was a groomsmen. They are all very close. He works days I work overnights so I can’t always attend their get togethers. (They work normal business hours, my boyfriend doesn’t but he at least works days.) anyway they had won tickets to a football game yesterday and had invited my boyfriend. He was debating going because he’s been sick and on antibiotics. Anyway we were sitting together on the couch and he said “well I don’t know if I want to go because they also invited this girl I used to date.” Now I’m very sure of our relationship so I told him it was fine if he went. He ultimately decided not to go because he wasn’t feeling well and I worked last night so we wouldn’t have seen each other at all. Anyway my question is why did they invite his ex and not me? It was just them (married) and supposed to be my boyfriend and this chick. I feel like it was a jab at me. Like they liked her better and she had more free time. Idk need some advice.