Pregnancy blues


Okay everyone, I want to start by saying I am actually a pretty optimistic person and I'm so happy to be carrying this baby- my boyfriend and I can't wait to welcome our little one.

BUT, I have to admit- I am HATING pregnancy. I was always so excited to be pregnant and experience the bliss- alas; I'm never myself, constantly nauseas and throwing up, migraines, tired but can't sleep, the whole she-bang. My doctors are aware and have provided me with helpful medication but it's not always doing the trick.

It's hard to deal with people telling me "you're glowing" and asking "how are you feeling? You look great!" Because honestly I haven't been feeling great, ever, and I'm not myself at work or at home. So I put on my happy face and politely thank them.

Ugh, I'm just having a hard time dealing with not being one of the women who has a more "smooth sailing" pregnancy. I'm 17 weeks and was hoping the 2nd trimester would get better- here's to hoping!

Also- I understand that some people can't even conceive and I am so blessed and grateful to be able to bring life into this world! All I'm saying is I needed a little vent session 🤒