Will I ever produce enough for my preemie twins?


I'm getting so frustrated. I was so prepared to exclusively breastfeed my twins but I didn't realize that a premature birth would really throw me off. My boys were born at 34 weeks exactly on 12/16. One of them came home yesterday and the other will be in the NICU for another few days. My problem is that despite following all the advice from my lactation consultant, I am only producing enough milk for one baby (approx 15-18oz per day). I can only breastfeed my babies 2-3x per day because it uses so much of their energy, so I rely on pumping for most of my milk production.

I rented the hospital grade pump, I pump every 3 hours for 20 mins, I drink 240oz of water per day (yes, 240 - I drink 30oz in between each pumping session), I pump after breastfeeding, I hand express before I pump, I take fenugreek + blessed thistle...and my supply has stayed the same for the past week or so.

Is it just going to take a while for my supply to meet demand? Will it pick up when my twins are able to breastfeed more often? I hate giving them formula for half their feedings but I literally can't keep up with them. I feel like their gestational age and their NICU stays set me up to fail. Help!