Exhausted mom and at a total loss😩

I cannot get my daughter to sleep. She’s two months old and will not sleep without me. Please no negative comments or bashing, I know what I’m doing may not be the best but it’s the only thing that can get me through the day.

She’s never been a good sleeper and I was got so desperate that about three weeks about we stared cosleeping in my couch. She sleeps on my chest, no pillows or blankets around, and I can feel her moving. However, this is NOT how I want to spend my nights. For a few weeks she would sleep in her swing for 2 hour stretches but that was very short lived. Now when we I put her down she’s up within 30 minutes and I have to start the whole process all over again. Tonight I decided we were going to sleep in the bedroom and she lasted a whole 15 minutes. Believe it or not she’s worse during the day. I can’t set her down for a nap at all.

I don’t know what to do any more. I’m starting to go back to work, she’s coming with me thank goodness, but I need a few hours sleep a night without her but it feels impossible. Sleeping on the couch is the only way either of us get any sleep but I can’t keep doing this.

Any advice from other moms? Has anyone gone through this? I feel like I don’t have the mental capacity or energy to battle this out night after night, especially since I’m starting work again. What do I do?