So thankful for breastfeeding


My twins were born at 35 weeks and while my daughter latched like a champ less than an hour after birth, my son struggled until he was at least a month old. Because breastfeeding used too much of their precious preemie energy and they would fall asleep without getting nourishment, or they would have to feed for at least an hour to get enough, I had to turn to pumping, which was not in my "plan." Breastfeeding has been the hardest thing I've ever done (pumping was utter hell for four weeks until I realized the lactation consultant was wrong - my flanges weren't too small, they were too big!, plus not producing enough as they grew and having to supplement with formula, which was also not in my "plan," - but I've caught up with them now!), and nursing has also been so challenging with these two for so many reasons, BUT. But. Never have I been so thankful we persisted. All the tears, all the pain, all the frustration, all the stress of the last six weeks - it is so worth it right now. Not only the money saved on formula for two. Not only the incredible bond I have with them. Not only that they've gained four pounds in six weeks (both born at 5lbs, now 9lbs - little chunkers). But right now, here's why I'm thankful. Hubby and I have both had a horrendous cold for over a week, literally the worst cold I have ever had, and the twins aren't sick! Antibodies for the win, folks. Because while it is utterly miserable to be this sick - it would be ten thousand times worse if they had it too. And that right there is why ANY breastmilk, whether your babies are exclusively breastfed or if they get part breastmilk/part formula, is an amazing gift for your babies. If you're frustrated with breastfeeding, I encourage you to work through it. If you want to give up, I encourage you to keep at it. It will be worth it. ❤️