No one will be there when I diliver??


As it gets closer to due date, I keep telling my husband that he should try to stay in town for work. His work varies day/night, hours & location, pluse it's not a job where he can just pick up and leave. They would actually have to find someone to replace him, drive to where ever he's at and have someone bring him back to town. he's work is starting to get slow as always during this time, so I told him that he should maybe get on unemployment for now so he can be there when I have the baby. I'm having my cerclage removed next week & I'm just worried that when the time comes he won't be near town & I'm already 2hrs away from home. He kind of hurts my feelings saying things like "oh well, if I can't make it on time, at least your in good hands" almost like he doesn't care to be there. At the beginning I told him I wanted both our mom's there in the dilvery room but he said he wanted it be just us. But now I think about it, and your husband isn't going to know how to help/couch you like a mom would. But it doesn't sound like MY mom even wants to be there either cause she says things like "well, I have to work and hell your dad" (they own thier own business) so she doesn't say "I'll drop what I'm doing and be there".... I'm a little hurt right now 😟😢