Today was horrid


I went back to work today, which turned into a shit show. The first thing I realized halfway to the office, I forgot my handsfree bra and I wanted to throw my battery pack in my bag JUST IN CASE, forgot that too.

Get to work, wait til 9 for my supervisor to get there to talk to him about scheduling needing updated. 2 hrs later he comes back and gives me the only option to get the additional break I need is to use my PTO. (Which initially didn’t seem bad 15 minutes a day, well to the end of the year is 62.5 hours of PTO, Which is half my time off god forbid either kid gets sick). I tried to see if I could just take it unpaid but due to benefits I can’t do that.

So 10 o’clock rolls around and it’s my break. I go downstairs to the one room for a 7 floor office building of mainly woman and can’t get in. I walk back up to my desk check the code. (Repeat 4 times). Go back to my desk cry cause at this point it’s been 4.5 hours my chest hurts and nothing is going right. I check the location of one of the rooms in the building across be street email myself the code. Walk over there get to the door the code will not work. I call HR because this is ridiculous. 27-45minute hold time. So I give up and go back to my desk again. Finally at 11:30 HR calls me back, apparently I can’t read the code is 24-3 I read 2-4-3. (It was written 2and4 then 3)So I pumped at 1130, and again at 245 I got 9 oz total from both sessions but that’s much less than I have been getting.

I swear my employer (a major insurance company where I live) is trying to make it so in confusing that you just give up because it’s more convenient for them if you don’t.

I spent half my day in tears because of this mess. I haven’t done that since my daughter didn’t sleep and my son had the stomach flu.


I have 18 oz total from today the last two days by this point I have had 24-28oz