BFP and no symptoms! Help!

Hi girls! So on New Years <a href="">Eve</a> I took a pregnancy test one day before my expected period and it was a positive on 10 dpo! My husband and I were very happy, but we were also scared because we had an ectopic pregnancy in July, so we know that even with a positive, does not mean everything is okay. Of course, I did not get my period and took 4 other test from different brands, all very positive. Now, I do not feel pregnant, apart from being very tired a couple days ago and a little nausea in the morning I do not feel anything else! I have been having a little trouble sleeping which I think it could be from anxiety to make sure everything is fine this time. Las night I woke up with a little cramp but I thought it was from the cold. Does anybody else feel like this? I haven’t had any spotting either, so I am not sure what to make of the whole thing! I hear about the sore boobs, and cramps and back pain and super nauseous and the tingling in the belly and I really don’t feel any of it. Sometimes I feel like I am blocking symptoms and feelings because I am scared it would be another ectopic. I am going to the doctor today but I am not sure if she can do much at 4 weeks :(