Heavy bleeding at 5 weeks preggo


Has anyone else experienced this?

On NYE, I was on vacation and had bad stomach cramping and felt like my period was coming.

Went to the bathroom that day and I had heavy bleeding and some small clotting. The next day, I still had some bleeding but it was definitely less that it was on NYE.

The following day, I had no blood or spotting at all. Today I feel perfectly normal with still no signs of spotting or bleeding.

Called my OB today explaining I was on vacation or I would have called her sooner and she said that bleeding in early pregnancy is pretty normal and since the bleeding isn't continuing, there might be hope that I didnt experience a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage.

I have an appt scheduled for Monday to confirm if everything is ok. I took a preggo test this AM and it was a strong dark positive but the doctor said if I did have a miscarriage, the test would probably still indicate that I was pregnant because the HCG hormones stay in you for a while.
