What is wrong with my baby!?💔

Shannon • Mother of 4 beautiful girls💕

My daughter will be 4 months on the 8th. For the past 5 days she has not been feeling well or acting herself, as in spitting up a lot, fussiness while nursing, crying a lot in general (specially towards the evening), bad diaper rash, less wet diapers, a low fever for two days, she screams bloody murder getting her diaper changed and tenses up idk if that's due to her diaper rash or not. I brought her to the walk In yesterday (her pediatrician didn't have openings) and the doctor or who ever she was basically said there is nothing wrong and we can't do anything, besides give you something for her rash. There is obviously something wrong with her and I feel completely helpless and sad for her!💔😢 What do you mom's think I should do or have any idea what this could be??