Mums who spank, when did you start?


I have a nine month old daughter and I know she’s most definitely not ready for a little smack on the bottom yet as she obviously doesn’t understand. But I’m curious as to when she will start to understand and when it’d be beneficial to start giving her a smack when she’s naughty and things such as time out or redirection of behaviour doesn’t work.

And I’m letting you all know now that I don’t care for any comments saying spanking is wrong or child abuse 🙄 I was smacked (not hard enough to leave a bruise or welt and obviously I wouldn’t do that to my child, either) as a child as a last resort when my behaviour/attitude didn’t change and it didn’t damage me as a person at all. I’m not posting this for a debate, so if you don’t agree then move along because throwing your unwanted opinion on here isn’t going to change mine ✌🏼