cloth diapering a newborn

Serene • Mommy to a baby boy & baby girl ❣️

how would you go about cloth diapering a newborn? I don't want to spend money on newborn nappies since he will just outgrow them fast, is there any other way I can use cloth diapers on him?

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We are using mostly fitteds, flats and prefolds with some cheaper aios. The majority of our stash is from Their fitteds, prefolds and flats are really affordable. That would definitely be your cheapest option.


Hillary • Jan 9, 2018
rather* not was. than*


Hillary • Jan 9, 2018
This is my second time using cloth. Cloth is MUCH better at containing newborn poop. Trust me lol. I was wash diapers then having to go through several outfits and baths due to poop-splosions


Carmen • Jan 9, 2018
I hear it’s best to buy diapers when their newborns because of the amount of diapers they go through and once they aren’t pooping as much to use Cloth


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We did a newborn rental last time. It was nice but they were AIOs and LO out peed the absorbency quickly. We’ll be doing prefolds and covers next time around.


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Will it work if I use prefolds and fitteds for our newborn? How do you hold the prefolds together? Also, can I use the prefolds as inserts in pocket diapers later on?


Kari • Feb 9, 2018
Yes, we are using prefolds and some fitteds that I made on our NB. We use a Snappi on the prefolds, which works better than just stuffing them in a cover. We plan to use the prefolds to stuff our pockets in the future.


Posted at
You can rent them


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Most use a snappi or boingo to hold on the prefolds. Yes, you can use them as inserts for pocket diapers later. I joined some cloth diaper bst pages on Facebook and got my newborn stash for less than $100. I chose to go the AIO route for the newborn stage. I already had a pretty decent pocket stash for later.