Feeling like a failure..

💚 Erica 💚 • 💖 Kaylee’s Mom 💖🥰💙 Due Nov 24th with baby Noah 💙

I so badly wanted to breastfeed, or at least pump. I have extremely flat nipples and I could t get my baby to latch. So I started pumping, at least she’s still getting breast milk right? I supplemented with formula for a little bit until I got my supply up enough that I didn’t have to. Then I got mastitis and didn’t produce hardly anything for about 2 weeks. So she’s been getting mostly formula and maybe an ounce of breast milk a day. My supply is so low, I have no idea what else to do. I’m trying to pump as often as I can, I’m drinking as much fluids as I can, what else can I do? I’m only getting about 2 ounces a day out. I know she’s fine in formula, but I really wanted her to have more breast milk. I feel like quitting pumping all together and just formula feeding 😞

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get my supply back up, please let me know!