Anxiety for nothing...

Abigail • Zephaniah born 19.7.18 ❤️

I was on the contraceptive injection for 2 years and I didn’t get my period back until 5 months after coming off. I instantly fell pregnant once my period regulated which took 2 months. I had anxiety the whole first trimester because I didn’t have many of the typical symptoms such as nausea etc. I did have tiredness but I do work 12 hour days. Luckily the hospital messed up and I got to have a 9 week scan and the heart was beating but because the baby hadn’t fully formed it still wasn’t real to me and I was paranoid something could go wrong. Finally I had my 3month scan and I’m in love!! Rest assured, I no longer have anxiety about its health and it’s definitely an experience to cement the bond.

The sonographer predicted it was a boy by the way the spine pointed and funny enough not long after, we stumbled upon what was suspected to be a penis. The man said there’s something here that’s sticking up and laughed. We aren’t putting all hopes into the baby being a boy but all signs are pointing that way! Ramzi theory and Chinese gender chart. Also not to forget the old wives tale of not having many symptoms relating to being pregnant with a boy.

My gender scan is next month so I will keep you updated on if the predictions were right.

Due date 11th July 2018 😊