Have you ever used sneakpeek?

Sneakpeak is a at home gender testing kit. They ship you a kit, you send the DNA back and they tell you what the sex of your baby is. You can pay $79 or $149 for express shipping.

I ordered a kit and I'm only 10 or 11 weeks pregnant! So excited.

For those of you who don't trust this, I probably have seen 3 out of all the videos I've watched on YouTube and the reviews on line that were negative. The rest was all positive. Even if they get the gender wrong , it CAN happen (just like the ultrasound tech can be wrong) but from what I've seen it's rare. You can get a refund if they are wrong. I honestly have no doubts in this with the research I have done.

Also, I saw this review a girl did. They said she was having a boy, but later on her ultrasound tech said it was a girl. She asked the tech to look again cause she think it might be a boy. Turns out, the test was right and the tech was wrong! She could have went through her pregnancy thinking it was a girl!!

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