

Well, for the last two months, I've been sure I've been pregnant when it got to Aunt Flo week. This month, however, I was sure I wasn't pregnant. I'd had a few cramps yesterday and was due today. The only symptom I've had are super sore boobs. I was pretty sad and just preparing for Aunt Flo.

Last night, I told my husband that I was not going to be taking a test today, simply because I was too nervous. This morning, though, I got up and just had to take a test. I waited for about a minute, then started blinking.

I couldn't believe that a second line was showing up! I had planned not to tell hubby (even had a great reveal idea), but I couldn't hold it in. He was asleep and I ran into the room.

Then, after waking him, laughing, and starting to cry, I went back and took four more tests.

All positive, even the two digitals! I go to the doctor this afternoon for blood work. Prayers would be appreciated! But I am so excited!!!

Baby #1 you are already loved more than you know! September here we come!!!