Heavy Spotting or Period?

🌹Rose🌈🎶 • FTM since 12/23/18 <3

Here's the story. I am either at CD 27/ 15 DPO or CD 1. Fourth cycle TTC. Did the BD last 01/01 and was expecting AF the next day. The hope was that it would get things going. I thought it did. Very bright bleeding right after... which them stopped after an hour. Tested this morning and it was a BFN. Less than an hour of being up an about I was cramping, had a wicked headache to the point I was nauseated, dizzy and, of course, was bleeding. By lunch time I went to change my tampon. Nothing new. At all.

This is my first time TTC so I have no idea if I should consider myself still in on the same cycle or clock back to CD 1. Any help/thoughts greatly appreciated xoxo Thanks

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