Warning: Seeking Advice on Sensitive Topic

Hi everyone, this is an extremely hard thing to discuss, but I’m hoping I can get your advice. This is a very sensitive subject. A couple I am very close to lost their little girl just a few days before the actual due date. The first anniversary of both her birth and death is approaching soon and I would like to do something to let them know I am thinking of them.

For those who have been through such an awful loss, did you receive a gift that was meaningful to you? Or if you have supported a couple through such awful grief what did you do for the first anniversary? I was thinking of a piece of jewelry, but I want them to enjoy it together. What about a garden ornament? I even saw something about buying a star and naming it? Perhaps a plant would be better and I could research for a plant that has to do with remembering? I was also thinking of some art work that has her name, her details etc but I think that is quite personal to taste.

I just want them to know that I’m always thinking about their little girl.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.