Lower abdominal pain

My body has always been messed up. My period has never been regular. One thing I do know is that my body immediately responds the moment I become pregnant. I start throwing up within the first week to two weeks of conception. I have very low “abdominal” pain that almost feels like I place a golf ball right above my Public bone if I’m laying flat on my stomach. It hurts. I can test a million times before I actually test positive and then I have to wait about three days before I confirm at the office because they usually say it’s too faint.

My question is do people have this low abdominal pains and nausea/vomiting during their ovulation? I’ve never paid attention to when I ovulate (which I now find to be stupid because I’m an educated person but never though to keep track of it) so I am truly unable to decide or compare with anyone. I guess I’m just wondering for those of you who know when you ovulate, is there a marked difference between how you feel when you ovulate and when you’re pregnant? I’m sure it’s something I could research, but I’d rather ask a bunch of women who are in tune with their bodies. Ps. I have been pregnant and have a 4 year old and STiLL can’t get this straight😩