Ultrasounds/Trigger shots?

Skye • 🌈

On my 3rd day of Clomid (100mg cycle days 3-7). My OB Scheduled my ultrasound to see how my follicles are growing for Friday the 12th which will be cycle day 13 for me. Hopefully everything looks large and promising and if so maybe I’ll opt for the trigger shot. They also scheduled my lab work to check for ovulation and levels for Monday the 22nd. I don’t know what it is but I feel like this could be the month and I pray I’m right. Finally got it all scheduled ahead of time so I’m not stressing last minute.

So, has anyone had the trigger shot? If so did your doctor do it or did you do it yourself? Should I ask for it when they bring it up, or does anyone have any suggestions on it? I ovulated on my own with Clomid but I feel with the trigger shot I’ll have a better time frame in regards to when to baby dance and test for ovulation.

I’d love feed back if you’ve been in this situation or similar.