He wants to enlist. And I’ve been stopping him.


So my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. He’s wanted to enlist in the army for his whole life. I’ve been selfish and have been keeping him home. I finally told him I was okay with it and would like to go with him to start the process so I could ask questions as well. He went while I was in school (cosmetology school currently) and then called me to say he went without me. I understand he’s really anxious to get things moving. If it was my dream I understand not wanting to wait. But it’s consuming him. He went and got tattoos to cover his forearms so he could hide some scars from a car accident. He literally went the day after he was told by the recruiter to get the tattoos. I feel like he’s moving super fast on this whole process. I’m just really concerned about his back because of the car accident. He’s going into the reserves first and if he really likes it, then he will go active duty. He’s talking about so much and I can’t keep up. He asks me all the time if I’m proud of him. Like, of course I am! He’s following his dream! That’s awesome! I’m just really scared about everything and I have so many questions that I need answered! What do I do or what do I say?