Anxiety attacks


Okay so I’ve had really bad anxiety and I’ve been told I have depression by two doctors but I’ve never taken the pills. I got better once I started dating this guy named Justin. He made me feel good about myself, he was one of the reasons my suicidal thoughts went away. But I recently broke up with him because I didn’t know what I wanted so I just wanted a break. But the day after I broke up with him he tried to kill himself. I haven’t slept in forever cause I feel so guilty that I’d do that to someone that I love. I’ve been having a lot of suicidal thoughts lately as well. I don’t believe I belong here because all I do is hurt people. I wake up screaming each time I try to sleep and I’ve been having so many panic attacks. I can’t get it off my mind that I’m an awful person to lead someone to do that. I don’t know what to do. Please give me advice on this