What the H is going on down there?


A brief breakdown: please give opinions.

I'm 33, ttc for over 2 years. 32-34 day cycle, with a 6 day period length. In October(for 1st time ever), I missed a period. In November my period was only 4 days. Period was due December 9th, it never came. I am still late by almost 27 days. Took a test at doc 2 days ago, negative. But today I've had cramping all day in my stomach and private area. I felt something really wet around my private area, thought it was my period. Went to the bathroom, wiped, just watery discharge but heavy, no color. Then, a couple hours later, I'm sitting on the couch and my shorts are really wet. I run to the bathroom thinking it's my period again, but nothing but watery discharge. No color, no smell. Cramping has now subsided as I'm writing this.

Why is my discharge like this? Or is it CM? But I haven't had a period so can I be ovulating? And if I am ovulating, how can I ovulate so late when my next period is due in only 5 days? My minds exploding. Help!

*i keep wishing its pregnancy discharge