Taking over my life!!


Hi hope everyone is well, I just wanted to put it out there. So me and my husband have been trying to conceive, for just over a year now, with one miscarriage which occurred at 6 weeks. Ever since the miscarriage took place, I have been so obsessed with wanting a baby, I mean don't get me wrong I've always wanted one!! I really wish someone could give me some advice on how to NOT let it control me so much. I have good days, where I feel so positive. And then other days where I just don't feel like doing anything. 😭 I have a friend who's just got pregnant after two years of trying, and lately she's been sending me bump pictures. Last night I said to her in the nicest possible way, that I don't need to see something that reminds me of what I yearn for. (Which of course she didn't like) but I just felt like she could be a little bit more sensitive towards me. As happy as I am for her, am I wrong in saying what I said? I'm 25 and feel like I don't have fun anymore, sometimes it affects the relationship between me and my husband. If anyone else is experiencing the same thing, do share your story with me. Or if anyone has any advice please let me know. I would be very grateful for it. 😘❤️