Showing earlier than expected 😍

Silvie • #1 born 7/16/18 after 2 years ttc❣️🌈

Noticed this morning in my shower (before eating but after going to the restroom) that I can’t suck in the bottom of my stomach anymore and I can feel my uterus is higher and firmer in that spot!

It’s crazy, yesterday I was still pretty flat and had a dip when laying flat between my hip bones, but today it is firm and raised. After eating it is a lot bigger but it hasn’t gone away.

13 weeks and even if no one else would see me and think I’m pregnant, at least I look like I’m showing to me 😂 since I’m tiny and this is my first I thought it would take a lot longer. Now I just gotta wait to feel the first real kicks 😍

Anyone else start showing overnight?