Potty training


I'm so fed up with trying to get my 3.5 year old to poop on the potty. We've been potty training for a year. He goes pee on the potty by himself just fine. He refuses to go poop on the potty. I make him sit on the potty after dinner and try to poop. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. He never fully poop his pants he just leaves a little poop in his underwear. Then when we notice it we make him finish on the potty.

I did a reward for a while. I've tried taking away tv. I did a poop chart. I've done time out, spankings, stern talks with him. Nothing will stick. He knows he has to poop but won't go to the potty. I think part of it is that his poops get so big from holding it that it hurts him to actually poop. So I've started him on a very small amount miralax to loosen his stool and try to get him on a schedule of pooping regularly and then maybe he'll see that his poops don't have to be painful. Idk. Some pointers would be nice. I've been cleaning poop out of his underwear for a year now and I'm totally fed up.