Kay ✨

So I've been going back in forth about when/ how you tell a group of teenagers you're pregnant, because a few days out of the week, I teach a social skills class at one of the high schools in my Valley.

Well today, I had the teacher of the classroom I use, her teaching aid, the guidance counselor, an intern, and my 15 students watching. The teacher knew I was pregnant, but nobody else. I said, "K guys we are going to get started." One of the students raised their hands and was asked: "before we start, can I ask a question????"

Me: Of course, what is your question?

Student: ARE YOU PREGNANT? Because you sorta look it!

Being that it is a social skills class, I replied "you know what, that's a really good question! Let's talk about this as a group. Do you guys know that you should never ask a woman if she is pregnant?" Then we made a list of all the reasons why you'd never want to ask such a question. Then we talked about how to ask personal questions. "Is it okay to ask such a personal question in front of 20+ people, or is it better to ask in private?"

Lastly, I stated "this is a safe place to learn these things right? and luckily, I am pregnant!" πŸ˜‚

I didn't have to worry about when I'd share the big news because they decided to share it for me! haha