HELLLLPPPPPP!!!! I️ need some advice please

So I’m new to this but I️ thought I️ give it a shot !!! Well here it goes I’ve known the man that I️ am with for over 13 years through church and when I️ was young my parents got divorced and so I️ lost touch with him well time goes by and we end up reuniting and we’ve been going together for about two years now (he is my childhood love kinda thing) and he has been amazing but before we officially got together I️ had a child from another guy and as I️ do regret getting with my sperm donor I️ don’t regret ever having my daughter but now that I’ve been with the man of dreams I️ feel like he is trying to get some kinda revenge on me for have my daughter cause he says thing like you know how I️ felt about you back then I️ don’t understand why you couldn’t have waited for me and stuff like all the past people you’ve been with got the perfect body and you got to experience things with other people and not me and then he said and I️ got the messed up part (meaning my all my imperfections) like yes granted I️ gain some weight and I️ might not put makeup on everyday and I️ may have a stretch mark or two but I️ bend over backwards for him and his family but at this point I️ just don’t know what to do cause I️ love him and his family so much but I️ just feel like I️ shouldn’t have to put up with that kind of hate for my PAST I️ don’t judge him on his I️ just don’t know how to deal with this kind of situation cause to be honest this is the best relationship I’ve ever had with anyone in my life I’m just so confused