Septum piercing?

Gloria • 19 • trust your truth• Biology Major 🔬

Hey girls,

I want to get a septum piercing but I don’t know if I should really get it. I have a fairly large nose and kind of wonky nostril but it would suit me better than any other piercing (i.e ear, because I have a hearing aid on 24/7 plus I barely wear earrings ) and I can hide it if need be.

My sister got one in secret but I asked my mom (I would have felt too guilty if I hadn’t) and she said no even though I’d be paying for it myself and I’m 18 (turning 19 this summer). I photoshopped a picture of myself with one and I really like it.

Should I still get it?

Would it look good on me?

Any advice would also be appreciated. Thx!

EDIT: Got the septum piercing! Thanks for the kind words! ❤️