
Okay, so I’ve been getting a lot of backlash from my family in regards to my current relationship, and I’m just trying to see if I’m missing something or if they’re just being overprotective.

I had met a guy through work in October and when we started talking we just clicked. Same interests, wanted the same things out of life, etc. He had just gotten out of a rocky relationship, so I tried my hardest to steer clear of anything that would even kind of give him the hint that I was interested so that he didn’t think I was just trying to jump his bones. We had talked all day and all night, and the next day we hung out at his house. Originally, just to hang out. Which turned into pouring feelings out, and one thing led to the other, and I ended up staying overnight. I’ve been staying with him often since, and his family is just as welcoming. He’s incredibly sweet, chivalrous, kind, patient, and never gets upset with me when I have rough days. We talk like best friends, poke fun at each other, do a ton of things together, and we always support each other, through everything. I love this man to pieces, and I honestly haven’t been this happy in a very long time.

About a couple weeks ago he gave me a promise ring and we started talking about starting a family in the near future. My family thinks he’s trying to control me and use me and trap me, but I honestly feel like he’s doing quite the contrary - he’s empowering me and giving me an opportunity to have the love that I’ve searched for so vigorously after being hurt and taken advantage of more times than I’d like to admit. I don’t have money so it’s not like he chose me because I was rich, he knows of my rough past, and there’s no discrepancy that we haven’t been able to resolve yet.

I dunno, what do you guys think?