(TO ALL MOTHERS) should I be honest with my strict mother?


alright eveyone my mom is not like anything youve seen. I'm 14 years old, in honors at a high class high school, and have never had a boyfriend before nor been to a friend's house for 2+hours, had a sleepover, been to the movies with friends, a highschool party (no drugs or alcohol), or even ever been on a date. my mom is very strict when it comes to boys and highschool and friends. She says "I can see everything and know everything even when you try and be sneaky" she always insists I be honest with her and that things will be better if I do but when I am honest then it just gets worst and it actually teaches me that even if Im honest, no good will be coming out of the situation. I really do want my relationship with my mom to be strong but it doesnt really feel like it is... I like this guy at my hs, he's really sweet and smart and funny. he's smart, sweet , and really loyal. I want to go on a date with him but the problem is my mom and her steictness. should I be sneaky and go to get froyo with him and not tell her im going with a guy OR should i tell her the truth and know she wont let me go...

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