Finally back to normal

Debbie • Currently expecting a healthy baby girl 🌈

I miscarried back in August and it has been a journey getting back to normal. My doctor suggested that we wait at least three cycles before trying again to really let my body regulate because I was in my second trimester before I lost my baby. I was getting my period right on schedule starting six weeks after the loss, but I had breakthrough bleeding until this month. I have felt the most normal physically. Normal period, no breakthrough bleeding, and I’m in my fertile window right now. Praying that this is our month. I’m envious of those that have miscarried and got pregnant right away and I’m hoping I get pregnant soon. Christmas was an extremely rough season with my sister in law being pregnant and due just a couple days after I was. I’m hoping I can keep my stress down and ride the emotions out past our due date. I’ve never wanted anything more than I want to be a mom and I’m excited and hopeful that we are trying again.