6 months postpartum body love!

Taya • Mommy to Elliotte: 7/9/17 💕 And Killian 3/10/19 💙

Since I don’t feel super comfortable posting this on FB/IG, I’ll share here...because I love my body more now than every before!

Quick backstory: I grew up in ballet and danced for over 20 years. It was going to be my career. But in college I struggled with perfectionism and developed an eating disorder. I weighed 105 pounds at 5’5” and had 6% body fat. I got a LOT of praise from fellow dancers. I got all the best roles and invitations to audition with several companies. And then I lost my period. I lost my bone density. I lost my energy, passion, and happiness. I finally realized I had two choices: dance and be unhealthy, or give up dance and get my health back. As much as I miss it, I haven’t danced since.

5 years later...I now run marathons and lift weights. I EAT a lot. Most importantly, my period came back and my husband and I were able to get pregnant! When I was pregnant I worried about what would happen to my body image postpartum. Those demons never really go away.

But it turns out, having my beautiful daughter has made me appreciate my body more than I ever imagined. I feel like a freaking woman- not the little girl I looked like when I was in the throes of my ED. I’ve been breastfeeding my baby for six months. My body is worth more than the number on the scale- it sustains this tiny human’s life!

At 6 months postpartum I’m training for my first 50k as well as a road marathon. But I haven’t focused one bit on “burning calories.” My advice to other new moms is to focus instead on being strong and fit for your little ones, and to be healthy and take care of yourself so you can set a good example for them. I know “strong is the new skinny” is a bit cliche, but it’s true!

Eating disorder days:

About a month before I got pregnant:

9 months pregnant:

One week postpartum:

6 months postpartum: