No Baby


Well my period was 6 days late this month.i was getting so excited even though i already had the doubt in the back of my mind,Because i feel like this is a never ending Cycle for me.Between the fibroids and the cysts its making it extremely hard to calculate when my ovulation is.My periods where almost starting to get regular after i stopped taking birth control,Then recently ive been under a little stress well maybe more then a little could this be what's causing my periods to act crazy again?Maybe im trying to hard.Maybe it is true the more you want something the less chance youll get it,Maybe if i stop trying itll happen.It just sucks because ive wanted a baby for about 3 years now,and im starting to get discouraged for some woman getting pregnant is as easy as taking a breathe but for me its not so easy and i want one so badly it makes me sad when i see other woman pregnant dont get me wrong i am very happy for you all,Its just sad because some dont even want kids and they get pregnant so easily and then im over here asking god when will it be my turn am i worthy enough to be a mother.Sorry ladies i know this probably sounds a little depressing just needed to vent and to be honest just me writing all of this put me a little at ease because ive been holding all of this back for quite some time Like this post if youve ever felt this way.Any advice would also be greatly appreciated!Have a blessed day everyone.