Miscarriage and pregnancy


Hi, I’m new to the whole app thing but I wasn’t sure who to talk to or let out concerns. So here it goes:

I got pregnant last December (2016) and miscarried in January’s 5w3d(naturally). We (so and I) stopped trying for 4 months and then started again. We got pregnant again in August but again miscarried; baby stopped growing at 7 weeks but I didn’t have a D&C; until twelve weeks (oct 24th). I went through one period before me and SO started to have sex again, but we decided not to try and for me to get on birth control once period started. I’m a week late and have had 10 pregnancy test come back positive. I’m excited but the more excited I am the more terrified I get to thinking this baby won’t “stick”. Hate saying that but I’m not sure what to feel....