Anyone else obsessed with planning?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I love planning and lists... color coordination, budgets, and tables. This is my "stuff for baby" (the list is repeated, on the left it's the full list in its categories, and on the right is the same list again, just organized by location in our apartment).

I feel like it really helps with my baby fever, I'll probably research and replan it 200 times over the next few months and then throughout my pregnancy. All I know is that I'm going crazy because I am weaning off of meds in which I absolutely cannot get pregnant on, but the hope of a future pregnancy is driving me a little mad!

I'm determined to get almost everything second hand, plus we have big families that love giving gifts, so that big price estimate is a worse case scenario. I'm a penny pincher, less waste enthusiast, and second hand/consignment QUEEN... so I'm pretty sure we'll end up paying a quarter of that price at most! Plus (as you can see if you look really closely) there are quite a few items I can do without/already have anyway!

What do you guys think? Am I insane for passing my free time with this obsessive planning hobby? I do the same with tiny houses I'll never build, etc.