Opinons Needed- Warning long post

Valencia • #newlywed ••• Praying for 🌈 👶🏾

So here’s my story. I’m hoping some people could give their opinions or experiences. Whether both good or bad because I’d rather have a realistic picture than an optimistic picture.

So 12/29 at night I went to the ER because I had spotting like this first picture shown and cramping in the pelvic area. This is my first pregnancy and I had just moved so I didn’t have an OB yet so I freaked. My HCG was around 13,200 then at exactly 5 weeks.

On 1/1 I went back in the morning for my second draw which turned out to be about 23,600. So they said it was going up appropriately. At this point I was still spotting when wiped and it was still the same color and i was still cramping.

On Tuesday I noticed that my blood had turned to this red color. But was still only happening when I wiped

Wednesday( 1/3) I went to see an OB that was assigned to me from the ER. He reviewed the sonogram that was taken my first day the ER which said they only saw the gestational sac which was completely normal since I was only 5 weeks. He also did an internal exam and stated my cervix was closed and bleeding seemed to be coming from cervix. He didn’t seem too concerned but said there were still some risks and possibilities

Now onto this past Friday. Went to the ER again because bleeding picked up a little with more intense cramps but still not as bad as period cramps. After waiting for ever the ER doctor came along with a radiologist and the OB. I knew when I saw all three things weren’t going to be good 😩. Doc said that my HCG wasn’t doubling as it should of so they were worried. He didn’t tell me the number but he made it seem like it went up but not enough for a normal pregnancy. They also said that on the sonogram from that night they only saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac that’s it, no fetal pole or baby. It’s progression but to them it wasn’t good enough especially with the way my HCG was. So I’m going back for a sonogram tomorrow or Tuesday to double check but I’m already preparing for the worse

The ER doctor said that in all his experiences this is most likely not a viable pregnancy and started going over what happens next and that I will most likely need a D&C; or have to take some pill they give. Tbh I don’t even feel pregnant. I know I’m only six weeks and 2 days but I just feel typical. Only symptom I have is sore boobs and that’s fading on and off since a week ago. So I’m hoping someone can share their input or experience.

Also since yesterday I have stopped bleeding. I had a little brown discharge but that’s all. Is that typical in a miscarriage to stop bleeding for a couple days and then pick back up?